What: Simple Logic Mentorship (SLM), is result of Moz’s life experience and participation in many groups involved in “intentional communities” and “freedom seekers” sharpened his skills.
The name Simple Logic Mentorship signifies a
process based on simplest logical solution to a challenge that is fair and win-win for all parties.
“Simplicity is the utmost sophistication”
SLM program is meant for mentees to gain knowledge and experience of their mentor in dealing with the many challenges life may present.
These challenges are a result of interactions between an individual and other members of society.
All interactions between
individuals, entities and governing bodies are founded on contract and its rules and laws. “Social Contract” AKA “constitution”
Knowledge and experience in contract law help individuals to asses standing and obligations of the parties involved in the contract enabling them to better strategies dealing with such obligations that often become challenges.