Dear Freedom Rising Community
I had a rich conversation with my brother Tom this week. We were discussing our efforts to wake people up to the tyranny lies, deception we face from multiple directions. Tom shared with me that he no longer measures his success by the number of people he “wakes up”. He has come to understand that waking up is an individual responsibility. He
can provide information and resources, however, he can’t make people read the information or think for themselves. As a consequence of this realization, Tom now measures his success by the question – Am I living a meaningful life?
Tom’s words resonated with me because I too have come to accept that there is only so much I can do to assist my family, friends and neighbours to re-evaluate what they have been told by our governments, media and courts. I concur that a better
measure of success is to evaluate my own actions. Am I living honesty? Courageously? Am I willing to question what I believe? Am I open to having my perspectives changed by valid information? Am I living a life that I can look back upon and be proud of? Am I living a meaningful life?
There are those to deem our actions over the past five years as selfish. I see it another way. If we were truly selfish, the easiest course of action would have been to line up for the injections,
don a mask, ignore when our rights and freedoms were being violated, and confine ourselves to our home. But we couldn’t do these things and we won’t do these things.
We saw the encroaching tyranny to capture our families, communities, and our fellow human beings. When we resisted poorly tested vaccine products, vaccine mandates, forced masking, and immunity passports, we weren’t doing it for our well-being.
We resisted these flagrant violations of rights and
freedoms, of science and democracy for our children and grand-children’s children. We’ve lived with rights and freedoms, and we recognized when these freedoms are being unnecessarily constrained.
We know that governments, corporations and well-intended citizens can do evil while purporting to do good. We know tyranny exists and we see the characteristics of psychopathic and sociopathic behaviour in our governments, corporations, media and courts.
We have
lived long enough to recognize the markings of an encroaching imprisonment. We resisted these measures because our resistance is for the greater good. We know that free and healthy individuals are the basis of a free and healthy society.
Thank you all for being the loving and courageous warriors that you are. We are making a difference. I believe humanity as stepped back from the edge of a cliff and are finally taking ownership for the kind of society we want to leave for our
children. I honour you for living meaningful lives. I look forward to what we will accomplish in 2025.
My gratitude to you all.